Journal Club CE
PNCB's affordable article-based CE modules offer a case-based approach to learning. Support your practice and patients with self-paced journal club style modules. Great for students too. More titles coming soon!
The Adolescent in Room 3: Integration of Mental Health in Primary Care
Adolescent emotional wellness is at a crisis point. Timely screening and assessment of mental health and substance abuse issues in primary care are key, but how can we better integrate this care—and ensure effectiveness? Explore a research initiative about designing a more effective approach to integrating mental health in primary care. Interviews of adolescents and their parents delivered insights into perceptions of privacy, communication, shared decision-making, and ease of access to care—all things to consider for your practice setting. 1.0 contact hour. Learn more >
The Child in Room 8: Caring for Black Children with Autism and their Families
Navigating an autism diagnosis and coordinating the necessary care and services is a challenge for any family. Barriers to appropriate and timely care can be plentiful. Black children with autism and their families experience systemic inequities that heighten these barriers, reducing access to quality care, and possibly worsening the child’s outcomes. Through this Journal Club module, you will learn about research that addresses these disparities, discuss healthcare needs specific to this population, and discover practical solutions for improving care and promoting better outcomes. 1.0 contact hour. Learn more >