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2024 Recertification

What's New on Your Application
November 10, 2023

2024 Recert: What's New on Your Application

On this year’s Recert application, you’ll see two new types of questions to help us better understand how certified nurses engage in continuing competence over time.

There are no right or wrong answers to the questions. Simply pick the best fit! 

  1. For each activity you list on the application, you’ll decide which competency area matches best. Here, we’re learning about what areas are most popular for the pediatric nursing workforce. Plus, seeing the competency areas may spark your interest in new areas to explore! 
  2. If you use an optional practice hours Recert method on the application, you’ll be asked how your employer assesses competency related to your practice. Here, we’re interested in the big picture of how employers share in the responsibility of continuing competence. 

Preview the options for these new questions below. A PDF version is available here. Thank you for recertifying! Need more information? Contact so we can help!

Faces of Certification

PNCB-certified nursing professionals work in a variety of roles and settings throughout the US and beyond. Share your photo today!

Jill Davis, CPNP-PC, PMHS Harmony Health Clinic Fairfax, VA
Margot Bernardino, CPN Driscoll Children's Hospital Corpus Christi, TX
Tajmara Eaton, CPNP-AC, CPNP-PC Grand Valley Pediatrics Grand Junction, CO
View more Faces of Certification