PNCB DNP Statement: Doctorate of Nursing Practice and PNP Certification.
The Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB) is seeing an increase in questions about our position on requiring the Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree for eligibility to sit for our Acute Care and Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner certification exams.
To support information-sharing, we have updated our DNP Impact Statement with new statistics and clarifying language. Please read the full statement on our website or in PDF format.
While PNCB is supportive of the DNP as the entry-to-practice degree at some time in the future when it is truly feasible, our organization must also assess and monitor the landscape of PNP stakeholders and how they will be affected by this change. Research is ongoing to identify the key outcomes of the DNP degree and impact on quality patient care. PNCB will continue to evaluate the evidence as it relates to certification for entry-to-practice.
If a change to PNP exam eligibility is made to require graduation from a DNP program PNCB will give approximately 2 years notice to program faculty and students; the change in requirements would only apply to new graduates taking the exam for the first time and would take into account program catalog transitions. PNPs educated at the certificate or master’s level and who hold active certification with PNCB will not be required to obtain additional degrees to keep their current certification.
Please review the full document on our website or in PDF format. We hope this helps confirm PNCB’s stance on the topic. As always, please reach out with any questions at and consider sharing this information with your PNP faculty members.