PMHS Exam Administration
Don't forfeit your fees! It's your responsibility to understand all exam policies, procedures, and requirements. Read your PNCB Exam Candidate Handbook now.
The exam is administered at PSI, at more than 300 testing centers, and by live remote proctoring (LRP) using your own computer in a private location.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. You will get a tutorial on how to select answers and move between questions. The tutorial doesn't reduce testing time.
- For live remote proctored tests, consider PSI's Online Proctoring Testing Experience video
What is a test-center check-in like?
- You will go through a secure check-in procedure. Arrive 30 minutes early with proper IDs. At this time, PNCB doesn't require biometric check-in.
What is an online-proctored check-in like?
Questions are multiple-choice with one correct answer. You will see all questions unless the time allotted for your exam ends. Computer-adaptive testing (e.g., NCLEX) is not used.
PNCB works with our test vendors to arrange accommodations for disability-related needs covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Note this on your online application and upload the form below. Computer anxiety, test anxiety, or English as a second language are not applicable.
See our Preparing to Take your Pediatric Nursing Certification Board Exam web page.
You will receive official notification emailed from PNCB within 2-3 weeks in most cases.
PNCB and PSI are responsible for the validity and integrity of the scores they report. On rare occasions, occurrences such as computer malfunction or candidate misconduct may cause a score to be suspect. PNCB and PSI reserve the right to void or withhold examination results if, upon investigation, a violation of their regulations is discovered.
An appeals process is available to those who wish to contest an adverse decision or proposed action affecting their application for certification, exam results, or recertification. The Executive Committee of PNCB's Board of Directors hears all candidate appeals, and their proposed remedies and decisions are final.
All PNCB policies and requirements are subject to change without notice.